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dc.contributor.advisorPuji Haiyanti
dc.contributor.authorArief, Muhammad Noor
dc.description.abstractSandra hijab style has a characteristic impression of elegant, feminine, but also beautiful views. With the selection of the veil as scarves, and hijab turban with modifications, Sandra is now more comfortable veiled. Hijab style used in the soap opera Sandra CHSI the main attraction for lovers of the hijab and Moslem users. Sandra hijab style is now much sought after the Muslim woman who called it "Hijab Hanna" or "hijab Sandra". Sandra hijab styles now have much effect on a person's interest for hijab. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of television and media exposure peer group communication style hijab Sandra jointly against hijab on Student Interest DIII FE UII Yogyakarta. The theory used in this research is the exposure theory, the theory of the peer group (peer group), cultivation theory, and interests. In this study the sample taken is partly Students DIII FE UII Yogyakarta which was kept as many as 147 people. In this study an analysis tool used is Multiple Linear Regression. The results of this data research analysis showed a significant positive effect between Exposure to television media and communication to the peer group against interest was kept by force Sandra 59.4%, while the remaining 40.6% is explained by other variables outside the model, for example religious understanding, religious knowledge, the support of parents, etc. It can be interpreted, if the television media exposure and peer group communication increases, the interest hijab will increase. Overall the results obtained are partially the result of media inundation variable positive and significant effect on the interest hijab. Communication Variables peer group is also positive and significant effect on the interest hijab, media and communication Exposure variables peer group simultaneously or simultaneously significant effect on interest hijab.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectExposure to Media Television Hijab Styleen_US
dc.subjectHijab Interestsen_US
dc.titlePengaruh Terpaan Media Televisi dan Komunikasi Peer Group Terhadap Minat Berhijab Gaya Dewi Sandra pada Mahasiswa DIII FE UII Yogyakartaen_US

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