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dc.contributor.authorDjoko Pramono, 00311094
dc.description.abstractProductivity is output come from behavior groups needed by organization. In general situation, organization can't appraisal effort but just perfonnance, productivity or both of them. If compensation system just pay employee because productivity, employee motivation will be down when d1e goal can't be like expected, so the result of it rewards can't effective. Compensation system must can be positioning like the perception by employee needed, although organization can't be respect with the perception employee immediately. Writer in this subject explain Equity variable and Productivity variable. The context Equity variable is Internal Equity, Eksternal Equity and Individual Equity (independent variable). The other variable is Productivity ( dependent variable). Individual Equity factor have dominant effect (24.3%) to compare with Internal Equity Factor and Ekstemal Equity Factor. As far as writer saw and compare in organization, a]J employee perception abou! equity can make happen wiU1 good condition and good teamwork among organization and all employee.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectPengaruh Persepsi Kompensasien_US
dc.subjectProduktivitas Kerja Karyawanen_US
dc.subjectPerusahaan Otobus Jaya Putra Delanggu Klatenen_US
dc.titlePengaruh Persepsi Kompensasi yang Adil terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Perusahaan Otobus Jaya Putra Delanggu Klatenen_US

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