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dc.contributor.advisorDr. Siti Achiria, S.E., M.M
dc.contributor.authorNur, Sofyan Ashari
dc.description.abstractIslamic banking in Indonesia has entered the third decade since its establishment in 1992. The growth of sharia banking is also quite good, in the last decade, sharia banking has an average growth of 33.2%. Until now, sharia banking can not penetrate the market share of conventional banking. Sharia banking market share only reaches 5% of all market share of national banking. The weakness of sharia banking nationally is also caused by the weakness of sharia banking at the district / city level. On the Java island, the province with the least asset and number of sharia banking offices is DI Yogyakarta, it is triggered because the activities of sharia banking in DIY province are only concentrated in the city, while other districts are still very weak, even Sleman district with the largest population in Yogyakarta do not have sharia banking branches office. The problem is triggered by the lack of confidence in sharia banking can even be said there is stigma against sharia banking. So this study aims to determine the stigma of sharia banking in 2 aspects of products and services. Qualitative research is used as the main design, the population taken is labor/employment in Sleman regency, in this study the method used is interviews conducted on 10 objects selected through cluster sampling method that is cluster of employment and analyzed by method of coding. The results of this study indicate that still found stigma to prosuk and sharia banking services, such stigma sharia banking products that have not been able to meet the needs of society, products that are still complicated and complicate customers and Islamic banking products that are not fully sharia. As for the service side there are also some stigma that sharia banking service can not reach the society down, procedure and requirement which is too complicated, seems to depress the customer and human resource who do not understand syariah principleen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaid
dc.subjectIslamic Bankingen_US
dc.titleStigma Perbankan Syariah (Studi Kasus Tenaga Kerja Kabupaten Sleman)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisen_US

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