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dc.contributor.advisorArif Hartono, S.E., M.Ec., Ph.D
dc.contributor.authorSABIRA, RIHAB
dc.description.abstractThis paper was created with the aim of comparing the results of Caynilv's business implementation with the previously designed plans for 2022. The influence of this brand awareness can have an impact on the local industry where the product is made. Brand awareness is important for increasing sales because the more people know about a brand, the more likely they will consider and buy the products offered by that brand. Strong brand awareness can help maintain their position in a competitive market and continue to expand their customer base. Caynilv is a local brand that can meet the fashion needs of all groups at affordable prices with characteristics or uniqueness while maintaining quality. The implementation process used a qualitative approach method with the type of case study research. For this reason, the methodology used is to dissolve the results of the business plan, whether it is well realized or bring up differences during the implementation process. Furthermore, the differences found became objects that are resolved by referring to marketing management theories. Furthermore, based on the results of observations and existing opportunities, business development is changed by expanding product brand awareness with increasing brand awareness and product variety through platforms and social media. Thus, the resulting product can be more varied, and the intended target market can be wider. The results of this business implementation can be realized well by implementing the strategy properly and consistently. Although some gaps have been resolved with solutions that refer to marketing management theory. Based on the results of observations and existing opportunities, business development is be carried out by increasing product brand awareness by providing other, more varied products.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectBrand Awarnessen_US

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