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dc.contributor.advisorBudi Sudjijono
dc.description.abstractThe title of this thesis is the Effects of Motivation and Compensation on Employment Productivity at PT. Jui Fa International Foods in Tegal Kamulyan Cilacap. The research were conducted in PT. Jui Fa International Foods, Jalan Lingkar Timur 53, Tega.I Kamulyan, Cilacap.The purpose of this research were to know the influence of motivation and compensation event simultaneously or partially on employment productivity. Compensation is the form of monetary appreciation or non monetary appreciation. Motivation is an impulse to do the individual activity, by factors of internal or external influence. The descriptive and inferential verificative analyses were used on this research. Data were collected by questionnaire for freelance employment of PT. Jui Fa International Foods. The lists of question in the questionnaire were used to know the variable which has most dominant influence on employment productivity. Productivity is a universally concept which has purpose to supply more product and service using less real resources. The results from the descriptive analysis were obtained that the majority of respondents are female, 30-39 years old. The most respondents are Senior High School degree and have over than 5 years working experience. This result shown those employment profiles on PT. Jui Fa International Foods Cilacap are productive ages with senior high school degree and has enough working experience. The result from he hypothesis analysis were obtained that the influential variable is compensation on employment productivity of PT. Jui Fa International Foods in Cilacap.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.titlePengaruh Motivasi dan Kompensasi terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan pada PT.Jui Fa International Foods di Tegal Kamulyan Cilacapen_US

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