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dc.contributor.authorSeah Maretan, 00311355
dc.description.abstractThis research is aim to correct marketing strategy for SDIT Bina Anak Sholeh (BIAS) by evaluate the internal and external variable. Considering that SDIT Bina Anak Sholeh (BIAS) still pertained young in comparison with other Elementary School in Yogyakarta, so that still in growth phase. There fore require to evaluate on its own opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses. The data, in this study, were collected by interview, observation, questionnaires, and reference review. The data were processed by using MDTI (Matriks Daya Tarik Industri) analysis. MDTI Analysis tried to explain the market position of SDIT Bina Anak Sholeh (BIAS) before hand make a decomposition into strategic business unit (SBU) or sometimes pursuant to its yielded product. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on the result ofstudy, it can be concluded that the business position of SDIT BIAS of Giwangan exists in the medium position giving growth strategy on its market segment, spesialization and selective investment. SDIT BIAS, in terms of its position, indicates that it has adequately prospective business opportunities to develop so that it must increase its own strengths and superiorities by supporting its weaknesses.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectStrategi Pemasaranen_US
dc.subjectSDIT BIAS Giwangan Yogyakartaen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Strategi Pemasaran pada SDIT BIAS Giwangan Yogyakartaen_US

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