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dc.contributor.authorTri Utami, 00311184
dc.description.abstractThe title of this research is "Analisis Minat Nasabah Memilih Tabungan Syariahplus pada Bank BNI Syariah Cabaug Yogyakarta". The aim of this research is to understand about people's interest to saving their money in Bank Syariah, specially in Bank BNI Syariah. The theory that support this research is Theory of Reasoned Action from Fishbein and Ajzen which is modificated from "Multi Atribut Attitude Model" to "Behavioral Intention Model". Intention to buy is definited by two component which is attitude variables and subjective norms. Those variables show the significant relation with the stronger predictif ability. Attitude variables measured by believe and evaluation. Meanwhile subjective norms measured with referen conviction and motivation. The source analize method is descriptive analize and kuantitatif analize, and also supported with 100 sample respondent. The descriptive source connected with gender, age, educational background, job and salary. The atribut in this research is Religious Emotion and Service Emotion. The Service Emotion definited by assurance atribut, belives, infrastructure availability. emphaty. responsiveness. In the kuantitatif analize, intention to buy is influenced by attitude and subjective norms has a positive effect from this result. The result of this research is Y = 1,828 + 0,003687X₁ + 0,02022X₂, it means with the constanta 1,828 the effect of the attitude to intention to buy is 0,003687 and the effect of the subjective norms with intention to buy is higher which is 0,02022. In Chi Squares test mostly there's no different significant about intention to buy with the atribut of BNI Syariah Bank based to the characteristic respondent. Meanwhile the most dominant atribut that influenced intention to buy is Religious Emotion atribut.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectAnalisis Minat Nasabahen_US
dc.subjectMemilih Tabungan Syariahen_US
dc.subjectBank BNI Syariahen_US
dc.subjectCabang Yogyakartaen_US
dc.subjectsubjective normsen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Minat Nasabah Memilih Tabungan Syariah plus pada Bank BNI Syariah Cabang Yogyakartaen_US

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