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dc.contributor.authorLuluq Intaniar, 13321059
dc.description.abstractRRI is one of the Public Broadcasting Institutions owned by Indonesia, RRI has an important role to assist the government in spreading the news and information for all people in Indonesia. With this RRI large role, then many changes are happening in RRI on both External and Internal. Because of the many changes are happening in RRI, they has requires good management that aims to improve the broadcast program to be more accepted by the community. One aspect of RRI as used to improve its performance is doing management on the news or editorial. Management of the news is an effort to manage the consequences arising because the changes in the organization through the arrangement or organization in the field of news. The purpose of this research is to know the editorial management which the stages of coverage, writing, and editing, it’s also to know the implementation of management functions editorial in RRI Mataram. Which using Qualitative Descriptive method and paradigm of kontruktivisme to knowing management of news on RRI Mataram and also implementation of reporting management, researchers immediately jump into the field and conduct interviews and also search Documents and do Observations to find out how the news in LPP RRI Mataram apply the manajament functions in practice work also especially in the process of producing the news with status as a Public Broadcasting Institution. In this research invorman used from some people who are considered to provide information related to existing problems such as, kasubsi news, broadcast news, reporters, and listeners. The results of this research indicate that RRI has conducted news management in the news production process, which conducting briefings to reporters or journalists and people involved in news production. However, the existing management can not be said to go well. Because the lack of human resources causes some people have multiple roles.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectPublic Broadcasting Institutionen_US
dc.subjectRRI Mataramen_US
dc.subjectNews Managementen_US
dc.titleDinamika Manajemen Pemberitaan LPP RRI Mataram (Studi Pada Pro I LPP RRI Mataram)en_US
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisen_US

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