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dc.contributor.advisorIda Nuraini Dewi K.N, S.I.Kom.,MA
dc.contributor.authorOktavia, Liyya
dc.description.abstractThe dissemination of information is now widespread with the session of many new media emerging. Documentary film is one of the media dissemination of information, the information presented in the documentary is a recording of real scenes are arranged well so that the message delivered can be accepted by the audience. Today, the presentation of some people who like to watch movies, but the contents of the community have not been able to understand what kind of movies they watch and what kind of information they get. This study aims to determine the benefits of documentary learning "The First Impression" Informants used in this study are mothers who already have a family and reside in the area of Yogyakarta. This research method using qualitative research method by conducting interview to some informant. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling and snowballing, which is the selection of samples in accordance with the desired by the researchers. The sample in this study is 6 people, consisting of five working housewives and one pure housewife, who is a native of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). The method of analysis used is. The theory used is the theory of acceptance analysis, documentary film, local knowledge, film as a medium of creative information. The results of this study indicate the existence of two categories of meaning positions, dominant position of hegemony and negotiation position. In this study more informants fall into the category of negotiation because, by several factors. Factor factors, environmental factors, factors of experience, and economic factors. Factor factors, environmental factors, factors factors.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectdocumentary filmen_US
dc.subjectlocal knowledgeen_US
dc.subjectcreative informationen_US
dc.subjectreception analysisen_US
dc.titleResepsi Analisis Informasi Kreatif dan Pengetahuan Lokal dalam Film Dokumenter (Studi Kasus Resepsi Analisis dalam Film Dokumenter “The First Impression”)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisen_US

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