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dc.contributor.authorRahmasari, Hazelita Dwi
dc.description.abstractEducation plays a very important role in the advancement of a nation and human civilization in general. Education is considered one of the main foundations in the development of a nation. One of the government's efforts to address the issue of higher education is by organizing Off-Campus Study Programs (PSDKU). This program aims to provide broader access to education for the community, especially in areas that may be difficult to reach by the main campus. The purpose of this research is to examine the role of PSDKU in its distribution in Indonesian universities, which is expected to be a reference especially for Universitas Islam Indonesia as one of the institutions playing a role in supporting the development of education in Indonesia. The method used in this research is cluster analysis using the hierarchical method and visualization of its distribution in the form of an RShiny website application. Using cluster analysis with single linkage clustering method, 3 groups of PSDKU in Indonesian universities were found based on the variable of distance between the main campus location and the PSDKU location. The first group is the far category, with an average distance between locations of more than 1000 KM, consisting of 3 PSDKU campuses. The second group is the medium category, with an average distance between locations of more than 700 KM. consisting of 5 PSDKU campuses. The third group is the near category, with an average distance between locations of less than 700 KM, consisting of 59 PSDKU campuses. Based on the results of the grouping, the strategy that can be taken by Ull in establishing PSDKU is to reach out to areas that have the furthest distance between the main campus location and the PSDKU campus. This can be an effective strategy for Ull to enhance its reputation in those areas. The results of the analysis are also presented in the form of an interactive website designed to facilitate users in accessing and understanding information better. This application displays the distribution of PSDKU campus locations in Indonesia along with the distance between the main campus locations and the PSDKU campuses of each university. The link to this website can be found at the following link: [https://psdkudashboard]en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.titleClustering Persebaran Lokasi Pdsku Pada Perguruan Tinggi Di Indonesia Dan Implementasi Pemetaan Aplikasi Berbasis Rshiny Untuk Kebijakan Pendirian Pdsku Uiien_US

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