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dc.contributor.advisorDr. Siti Anisah, S.H., M.Hum.
dc.contributor.authorFhadila, Alifia
dc.description.abstractCartel considers as one of the most dangerous anti-competitve acts in business practices. Its impacts will not only inflict fellow business actors but also the consumers by conspiring to affect products and sales to gain monopolistic profit. Alongside with the trend of globalization, this activity also expends its scope from national frontiers to a worldwide concerns. Infamously known with its secrecy, evidence to prove this act is extremely hard to obtain, especially when it spreads all over the globe. Therefore, competition authorities from all the jurisdictions are required to cooperate for an enhanced cross border cartel investigations. As one of the youngest regions to implement competition law, ASEAN countries began its work by launching ASEAN Economic Community in 2015 as representation of a major milestone to put in place the regional arrangements in competition field. Even so, ASEAN Member states still face significant obstacles in the context of investigating cross border cartel regarding with the different stage of development in each member state. Hence, there must be strategic measures to be taken in order to cooperate without negatively affect another jurisdictions. This research is using a normative legal research, by reviewing regulation that deals with the legal issues that being researched. The sources for this research are divided into three categories. AEC Blueprint 2015, AEC Blueprint 2025, and ASEAN Competition Action Plan 2025 as the primary sources. Literatures and journals as the secondary. Then, dictionary as the tarsier research source. As developing countries, ASEAN Member States are still lacking in competition sector due to resource constraints, hostile political-legal environment, and underdeveloped market. This gap prevents ASEAN to have a supranational institution to investigate cross border cartel. Therefore, cooperation is the best alternative to solve case like this. In order to avoid ineffective investigations, ASEAN Member States agreed to follow a progressive agenda in ASEAN Competition Action Plan 2025 with the final outcome as to have a harmonization of standard enforcement procedure in regional level. Conclusively, to have an effective cooperation in investigating cross border cartel, ASEAN Member States must establish competition law in each domestic legal framework and implement leniency program. In order to assist the establishment, elaborate workshops and forums must be held by ASEAN Expert Group of Competition, thus the representative from each member state may meet and exchange their views and practices for more coordinated approach.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaid
dc.subjectCross-border cartelen_US
dc.titleCooperation among Asean Member States to Investigate Cross Border Cartel in Accordance with Asean Economic Community Agendaen_US
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisen_US

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