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dc.contributor.authorRosita, Linda
dc.descriptionCollections > Lecturers > Faculty of medicine > Proceedingen_US
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Green tea is one of the plant that often consumed by people. Tea is not only a drink for pleasure, but tea is also have some advantages and used widely in medical field, katekin or polifenol in green tea can decrease the risk of cardiovaskuler disease, prevent diabetes mellitus, anti cancer. prevent soul small from mouth an the others, this polifenol in human body help enzim superoxide clismutase (SOD) that elimate free radical so it can prevent aterosclerosis. The aim of this study is to know the effectivity of green tea (Camellia sinensis) extract to decrease LDL and how much the concentration of green tea (Camellia sinensis) extract that can decrease LDL level. Method: This study is experimental design, In this study, wistar rat age 2-3 month and 150-200 grams in weight was used research was done for 14 days with 24 wistar rat as the subject sample was taken clasifield into 6 groups contain 4 rats. Group 1 as the negative control, key get aquadest and BR2 standart diet. Every times, 0,2 mi aquadest per oral was given by intragastric canula. The blood was taken for sample do measure the LDL level. Blood sample was taken 2 times in 14 days. lx~lore research and the end of research. Group II, III, IV, V, dan VI. Are the research group \Vith green tea extract given orally at dn<>e 0,2 r:-:! with concretation 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%. Extract was gi\·en in different time. Result: Green tea (Camellia sinensis) extract given for 14 days on wistar rat didn't show sig nilic <mt decrease in LDL level for e·;ery groups, but only LDL level decrease at some groups (K-Ill. 2 & 13) ami (K-V .2). this increase and decrease is not significant statistically. Conclusion: Green tea (Camellia sinensis) extract with concretation 40% and 80% can decrease LDL ievel plasma, but only limited in some population: (K-Ill.2/ 0,2 ml Green tea extract and K-111.3 U.2 1111 Green tea extract) and (K-V .2/ 0,2 ml Green tea extract), which is not significant staticitical!y.en_US
dc.publisherThe 14th Asian Society for Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Congress (2016) TAIPEI, TAIWANen_US
dc.subjectGreen tea, extract, Camellia sinensis, LDL cholesterolen_US
dc.subjectResearch Subject Categories::MEDICINEen_US
dc.titleEfectiveness Test of Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) Extract for Decreasing LDL Blood In Vitroen_US

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