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dc.contributor.authorRaihana, Dhiya
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to determine the criminal law policy against perpetrators of hoarding basic necessities in the form of cooking oil based on Law no. 7 of 2014 and existing regulations and find out the ef ectiveness of law enforcement against perpetrators of cooking oil hoarding. The approach used is normative juridical. Data collection techniques with literature study. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively. The results of the study show that hoarding cooking oil is a crime and can be legally prosecuted in accordance with Law no. 7 of 2014 concerning Trade and its implementation rules are clarified by Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 71 of 2015 concerning Stipulation and Storage of Basic Necessities and Important Goods. The two regulations provide legal sanctions with threats and fines for business actors who stockpile cooking oil. The prosecution of perpetrators of violations has been ef ective with the existence of new regulations or provisions to overcome the problem of scarcity, law enforcement of icials carry out prevention, supervision and prosecution of perpetrators of violations. Law enforcement of icials carrying out enforcement based on new regulations and provisions that are more ef icient have achieved success which is marked by being able to catch perpetrators of cooking oil hoarding which results in an increasingly abundant supply of cooking oil and complies with the price provisions stipulated by Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 11 of 2022.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectLegal Policyen_US
dc.subjectCooking Oil Hoarderen_US
dc.titlePeraturan Hukum Pidana terhadap Pelaku Penimbunan Kebutuhan Pokok Minyak Goreng pada Saat Covid 19 (Undang-undang No.7 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perdagangan)en_US

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