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dc.contributor.authorGhiffary, Muhammad F
dc.contributor.authorMukti, Fathoni A
dc.contributor.authorFirdaus, Ad Zulfa G
dc.contributor.authorSulistyantoro, Tri N
dc.description.abstractThe steel frame railway bridge construction project in Surakarta is an ongoing national strategic project. Analysis of the progress of project realization on the cost of implementing important infrastructure projects is carried out on this project. Construction management involves managing human resources, material resources and financial resources to manage a construction project from start to finish. Analysis of the progress of project realization against costs is carried out using the unit price analysis method. The unit price of work involves the price of labor wages, the price of materials, and the price of tools used in the project. In this analysis, the reference is based on the 2022 Surakarta City Work Unit Price Analysis (AHSP). From the stages of analysis carried out, including searching for references, identifying problems, taking data processing and analysis, as well as presenting research results to competent construction parties, and discussions and conclusions obtained the results of work costs of 98,80 billion rupiah with the addition of PPN 10,87 billion rupiah, so that the final cost of 109,66 billion rupiah was obtained. The results of the analysis show the unit price of wages, materials and work tools used in the Surakarta steel frame railway bridge project. This analysis is carried out so that this project can be completed on time and in accordance with the available budget allocation. This analysis is used as a consideration about the financial performance of the project and helps ensure that the project is proceeding according to the established budget plan.en_US
dc.subjectSteel frame elevated rail Realization costen_US
dc.titleAnalisis progres realisasi proyek terhadap biaya pada proyek jembatan kereta api rangka baja Surakartaen_US
dcterms.publisherProceeding Civil Engineering Research Forum

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