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dc.contributor.authorAngelia, Tata
dc.description.abstractThe rise of bullying committed by minors is a crucial problem, especially in the school environment. Bullying are violates Article 4 of Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection. Data from Commission on Child Protection shows that in 2021 and 2022, there were cases of children as victims of bullying in education units (without reporting to the police), totaling 190 cases. So, this is a part of problem because is very disturbing for the victim future. This research is based on the method conducted by the author is normative and supported by empirical data. The author used normative legal research carried out using literature which focused on the factors that cause children as perpetrator in the school environment and the mechanism of dispute settlement according to Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System. Furthermore, the author also conducted a direct survey to collect data from information sources as empirical data such as interviews. The interview would contained about the dispute settlement mechanism of high school in Yogyakarta in resolving bullying cases and also the behavior of police in resolving this case as a third party. Author also obtain the data of children case of bullying as a victim and perpetrator from The Commission on Child Protection. The result of this research showed that, firstly, bullying behavior occurred at schools because several factors namely a lack of supervision, the implementation of regulations and sanctions were weak or not strict, and school officials did not care about bullying that occurred at schools. Secondly, most of the dispute settlement mechanisms of bullying cases in every high school in Yogyakarta was simply calling victim and perpetrator, where they would be questioned and conducted separately. In addition, the school did not have violence prevention team. This research gave recommendation to the school which must pay attention to this bullying case committed by children in school environment. For example, enforcing the law, more assertive in sanctioning students who committed bullying. In addition, counseling guidance teachers are expected to be more active in supervising students and involving parents to take an active role in preventing bullying. Also, school must have violence prevention team to decrease the school bullying and obliged to report to parents or guardians if their children become perpetrators or victims of bullyingen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectDispute Settlement Mechanismen_US
dc.titleThe Dispute Settlement Mechanism for Bullying Cases in High School Procedures in Yogyakartaen_US

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