Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Aspek Psikologi pada Bangunan Rawat Inap Gangguan Jiwa di Puskesmas 

      Destilia, Merni; Handoyotomo, Handoyotomo (Universitas Islam Indonesia, 2018-01-31)
      There are several cases of life-threatening asylum related to the elements of architectural space. The lack of capacity for Mental Hospital and Rehabilitation of Mental Disorders encourages mental patients not to receive ...
    • Kajian Efektivitas Proses Perancangan Rumah Sakit Hawari Essa Slawi 

      Novitasari, Shely; Handoyotomo, Handoyotomo (Universitas Islam Indonesia, 2018-01-31)
      The design process is the planning used to make the steps in making a design. This journal evaluate the success rate of DED Hwari Essa Slawi Hospital’s plan design by comparing the real ratio of the planning process ...
    • KRITIK PROSES PERANCANGAN Kesesuaian Proses Tahapan Perancangan Dan Manajemen Biro Konsultan Pada Rancangan Rumah Kost 

      Oro, Lintang Manik; Handoyotomo, Handoyotomo (Universitas Islam Indonesia, 2018-01-31)
      Setiap proyek bila diimplementasikan memiliki proses desain yang memiliki masalah yang ber beda namun setiap jenis proyek baik itu bangunan sederhana atau bangunan yang kompleks ketika menerapkan setiap tahap dalam proses ...

      Fauri, Muhammad; Handoyotomo, Handoyotomo (Universitas Islam Indonesia, 2018-01-31)
      In the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), Prototype is the first physical form of an object planned in a single production process, representing the shape and dimension of the object which represented and be used for ...