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dc.contributor.advisorIsti Rahayu, Dra., M.Si., Ak, Cert, SAP
dc.contributor.authorRizki Qomarul Zaman, 12312348
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to determine the soundness of banks in Badan Usaha Kredit Pedesaan (Bukp) D.I Yogyakarta. The problems to be studied are how the health level of the Rural Credit Enterprises (Bukp) D.I Yogyakarta, using the ratio Solvabilitas, Rentabilitas, Liquiditas and size. In this study, using analytical methods Solvency, Profitability, Liquidity And Company Size is the method used to determine the soundness of banks. The data required is an overview, balance sheets, income statements Badan Usaha Kredit Pedesaan (Bukp) D.I Yogyakarta. Data collection techniques are by purposive sampling. Data analysis using quantitative data. The results obtained in this research, the ratio Solvabilitas, Rentabilitas, Liquiditas and size is measured by CAR significant negative effect on profitability BUKP which is measured by ROA. Rasio Rentabilitas is measured by BOPO a significant negative effect on profitability BUKP which is measured by ROA. Liquidity ratios are measured by LDR does not affect the profitability of BUKP which is measured by ROA. SIZE is measured by Lntotalaktiva no significant negative effect on profitability BUKP which is measured by ROA. Thus the hypothesis in this study, alleged health predicate Badan Usaha Kredit Pedesaan (Bukp) D.I Yogyakarta proved less healthy enough. Advice given to the progress of the Badan Usaha Kredit Pedesaan (Bukp) D.I Yogyakarta. Given the goal is the establishment of enterprises Badan Usaha Kredit Pedesaan (Bukp) DI Yogyakarta is to help boost weak economic activity, should the provisions on lending policies more geared to the interests of merchants, employers, and employees who entered the rankings weak economy with the ordinance requirements easily met by the debtor so that the potential of their business more productive. In the face of competition in the banking world is very tight, Badan Usaha Kredit Pedesaan (Bukp) D.I Yogyakarta have to build confidence in the public. The steps taken was to increase the company's ability to maintain profitability ratio measured by Cost Opesional In Operating Income (BOPO) is adequate, provide and maintain a good service to customers.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Pengaruh Rasio Solvabilitas, Rentabilitas, Liquiditas Dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Profitabilitas Badan Usaha Kredit Pedesaan (BUKP)en_US
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisen_US

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