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dc.contributor.advisorDra. Rahmani Timorita Y., M.Ag
dc.contributor.authorTelsy Pratama Dewi Samad
dc.description.abstractMuslim fashion is a form of creative industries which is developing rapidly at present. A wide range of stores or boutiques scattered throught out the moslem Indonesia compete in the marketing of busanmuslim clothing in all circles, be it parents, teens and children with a variety of the latest fashion with the times. Occuring more and more competition among sellers moslembussinesmen, realiable marketing management needs to be able to compete. Which must be one of the labeled forms of bussiness marketing management then the aplication of sharia should not be separated from the principles of Islamaic economics. This study was to determine the application of marketing management industry in a creative fashion moslemchothing store in Yogyakarta. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, namely by conducting research interviews directly with the authorities in place at carefully. With these studies maybe expected to broaden the knowledge about the application or marketing management is to follow the rules of Islamic economic principles.Based on this research, it can be concluded tha the appication of marketing management Kiswahmuslim clothing strores have been very good, with the POAC (Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling) management, marketing forms marketing-mix that meets the characteristics of Islamic economics, and uphold the principles of fairness, honesty and transparency as it is always applied by the Prophet Muhammad saw, then store Kiswah is included in a chain of bussiness activities that meet the rules muamalah in the economic system of Islam. Keywords : Muslim Fashion, Creative Industry, Marketing Managementen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectMuslim Fashion, Creative Industry, Marketing Managementen_US
dc.titleManajemen Pemasaran Industri Kreatif Busana Muslim Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam (Studi Pada Toko Busana Muslim Kiswah)en_US

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