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dc.contributor.advisorDr. Siti Anisah, SH. M.Hum
dc.contributor.authorRahardian Noviantara
dc.description.abstractCorporate social responsibility is one of the business ethics that have to be fulfilled by the company in order to apply the good corporate governance. The corporate social responsibility is obliged by several regulations such as Law number 25 Year 2007 related to Investment and Law number 40 Year 2007 related to Limited Liability Company but it is not explained in detail, which was why there are the some misinterpretation from the companies when they perform corporate social responsibility. PT Telekomunikasi Selular tried to implement the corporate social responsibility in Bantul regency in form of community development program namely “Kampung Bebek” but there is no regulation which specifically regulated about community development so what has been done by PT Telekomunikasi Selular is similarly with donation rather than community development. The government should amend the regulation which regulated the corporate social responsibility practice in order to make the corporate social responsibility itself can be used to support the economical development of the state.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectThe Implementation Of Corporate Social Responsibility By PT. Telekomunikasi Selular In Bantul Regencyen_US
dc.titleThe Implementation Of Corporate Social Responsibility By PT. Telekomunikasi Selular In Bantul Regencyen_US

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