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dc.contributor.advisorDr. Siti Anisah, SH., M.Hum.
dc.contributor.authorMarlia Tety
dc.description.abstractIndonesian Islamic securities trading in the secondary market on general is of commonly done. Moreover, the securities trading activities from the Islamic aspect are answered by National Shari'ah Board - Committee of Ulama Indonesia (hereinafter referred to as DSN-MUI). DSN-MUI has been issued fatwa on the Shari’ah trading mechanism Number 80/DSN-MUI/III/2011 about the application of Shari’ah principles in trading mechanism of equity securities at stock exchange regular market.This study will discuss on the regulatory framework applied to Shari'ah capital market on the trading mechanism of secondary market securities in Indonesia. In addition it is also seeking issues pertaining to Shari’ah compliance related to the trading mechanism of secondary market securities. This study is also needed as a means to give a trust to investors who concerned about Shari’ah principles in investing in the capital market. This research is using secondary data which are primary legal material, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal material. Secondary data also collected from library research and document study such as act, text books, and article. This research is used normative research which identifies legal norms and views. The objective is to understand and answer the object of study" by using juridical normative approach method. The trading mechanism of secondary market securities on Shari’ah capital market in Indonesia, in compliance with Shari’ah principles if they meet specific requirements. Securities that can be traded are only stocks in the List of Islamic Securities (Daftar Efek Shariah–DES) that published by Bapepam-LK or constituent stocks of Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI). Trading must refrain from activities that are prohibited by Islamic principles. According to the Fatwa, there are 14 activities that fall into categories not in accordance with Islamic principles, for examples insider trading (ghabn fahisy), short selling (bai’ alma’dum), margin trading (riba), etc. Fatwa on stock trading Shari’ah mechanism is the answer for people who still question the Shari’ah level of stock transactions in regular market on the Stock Exchange. The fatwa was expected to give a trust to investors who concerned about sharia principles in investing in the capital market. Recommendations this study is need develop accounting standards that adequately and appropriately reflect the nature of Islamic financial transactions and consideration relates to the level of awareness and understanding of investors with regards to Islamic capital market products." Hence, it may wish to consider an expansion of the pool of Islamic capital market experts covering subject matters such as corporate finance, legal, accounting and tax as well as the Shari’ah.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectShari’ah Capital Marketen_US
dc.subjectTrading Mechanism of Secondary Market Securities in Indonesiaen_US
dc.titleShari’ah Capital Market on the Trading Mechanism of Secondary Market Securities in Indonesiaen_US

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