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dc.contributor.authorNovi Handayani, 99513030
dc.description.abstractOne of the methods for increasing the healthiness of water consumer is by applyinga good water management. This planning's goal is to improve the quality of drinking water service which conducted by PDAM Way Rilau to the people of Telukbetung - Panjang, with the improvement in piping system from 40% to 80% in 2014. The result of hydrolic analysis using Epanet 2.0 programme on the water service system in Telukbetung - Panjang reveal that the condition in 2004, with the operation for 7 (seven) hours a day and debit as much as 243,58 lt/sec, is not appropriate to satisfy the people demand. As the result of low water pressure at some nodes, in certain hours the water doesn't flow and a water flow scheduling must be employed. This condition doesn't satisfy the PDAM customer. Base of this planning is by optimizing the existing condition, so that distribution operation is extended from 7 (seven) hours to 24 (twenty four) hours each day. Optimizing the existing system improves the water flow to 274,34 lt/sec capacity. Under this condition, water can be delivered to 145.207 people in 2004, increasing from 40% to 70%. It means, the PDAM customer's need can be completed, as well as the new subscribers application. The next step is planning for water service in Telukbetung - Panjang for 2014. The population forecast is done with Geometric method, resulting the population of 235.097 people. With the service target of 80% and 24 hours operation, Telukbetung - Panjang needs water supply as much as 1.351, 43 lt/sec. The development plan of Telukbetung - Panjang water system involves the installation of parallel pipes at some existing distribution network, with the purpose of obtaining the required water debit with sufficient water pressure. Keywords: water, distriburion.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectEvaluasi Jaringanen_US
dc.subjectDistribusi PDAM Way Riauen_US
dc.subjectBlok Zone 75en_US
dc.subjectTeluk Betung - Panjang Lampungen_US
dc.titleEvaluasi Jaringan Distribusi PDAM Way Riau Pada Blok Zone 75 (Teluk Betung - Panjang) Lampungen_US

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