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dc.contributor.advisorDr. Anton Priyo Nugroho, S.E., M.M
dc.contributor.authorMasda Tanjung, 13913014
dc.description.abstractBalai Rehabilitasi Terpadu Penyandang Disabilitas Yogyakarta mempunyai peran dan fungsi rehabilitasi sosial bagi penyandang disabilitas di DIY. Rehabilitasi tersebut bertujuan untuk membangun rasa percaya diri serta dapat mengembalikan fungsi sosialnya. Sedangkan pemberdayaan dilakukan melalui rehabilitasi vokasional berupa pelatihan keterampilan yang bertujuan untuk membekali mereka agar dapat mandiri. Sampai dengan tahun 2015 warga binaan sosial yang telah lulus (alumni) diberikan paket bantuan stimulan untuk usaha ekonomis produktif sebagai modal untuk memulai usaha mandiri. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat dampak bantuan tersebut terhadap pemberdayan ekonomi alumni Balai RTPD Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-analitis yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis hasil penelitian lapangan (field research) yang dilakukan di Balai RTPD Yogyakarta serta sejumlah alumni Balai RTPD Yogyakarta tahun 2013-2015 kelas vokasional desain grafis, menjahit dan komputer. Data yang telah terkumpul kemudian dideskripsikan terlebih dahulu tentang proses pemberdayaan ekonomi dengan memanfaatkan bantuan stimulant. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pembahasan analisis pada fokus penelitian tentang dampak bantuan stimulan tersebut terhadap pemberdayaan ekonomi para alumni melalui usaha mandiri. Hasil pembahasan tersebut kemudian dianalisis kembali menggunakan perspektif maqāşid syarī’ah. Setelah peneliti melakukan pembahasan dan analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa bantuan stimulan memberikan dampak positif terhadap proses pemberdayaan ekonomi para alumni sebagai modal dalam memulai usaha mandiri. Alumni dari kelas vokasional komputer mengalami hambatan yang paling banyak sehingga bantuan kurang dapat termanfaatkan secara maksimal. Sedangkan alumni kelas vokasional desain grafis dan menjahit hanya membutuhkan tambahan sedikit modal untuk dapat memulai usaha mandiri. Usaha mandiri yang mereka jalankan berdampak pada kemandirian ekonomi dan meningkatnya fungsi sosial dalam masyarakat. Ditinjau dari perspektif maqāşid syarī’ah, perberdayaan ekonomi melalui usaha mandiri sesuai dengan lima prinsip yaitu hifz ad-Dīn, hifz an-Nafs, hifz an-Asl, hifz al-‘Aql dan hifz al-Mal. The Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Disabled People Yogyakarta plays a role and function of social rehabilitation for the disabled people in Special District of Yogyakarta. Such rehabilitation aims to build self-confidence and can take back the social function of disabled people. Meanwhile, the empowerment is conducted through vocational rehabilitation in the form of skill training aimed to support them to be independent. Until 2015, the assisted citizens that have graduated (alumni) had been the package of stimulant aid for the productive economic business as a capital to start an independent business. This research is conducted to observe the impact of such aid on the economic empowerment of alumni of Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Disabled People Yogyakarta. This is a descriptive-analytical research aimed to describe and analyze the result of field research conducted in Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Disabled People Yogyakarta and a number of its alumni in the period of 2013-2015 for the vocational class of graphic design, sewing and computer. The data collected was then firstly described about the process of economic empowerment using the stimulant aid. It was then continued with the discussion of the analysis with the research focus about the economic empowerment of the alumni through the independent business. Furthermore, the result of the discussion was reanalyzed using the perspective of maqāşid syarī’ah. Once the researcher did the discussion and analysis, it can be concluded that the stimulant aid could give a positive impact on the process of economic empowerment for the alumni as the capital in starting the independent business. The alumni from the vocational class of computer experienced more drawbacks; as a consequence, the aid could not be used optimally. Meanwhile the alumni of the vocational school of graphic design and sewing only needed a little additional capital to start the independent business. The independent business they ran has brought an impact on the economic independence and could increase their social function. As seen in the perspective of maqāşid syarī’ah, the economic empowerment through independent business is conducted under 5 principles: hifz ad-Dīn, hifz an-Nafs, hifz an-Asl, hifz al-‘Aql and hifz al-Mal.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectMaqāşid Syarī’ahen_US
dc.typeMaster Thesisen_US

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