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dc.contributor.advisorProf. Drs. Sarbiran, M. Ed,. Ph.D
dc.contributor.authorHidayat, Wahyu
dc.description.abstractPrincipal in accordance with the Regulation of National Education Minister (Permendiknas) No.13 of 2007 on the Standard of Principal/Head of Madrasah requiring the qualification and competence determined at least by 5 (five) dimensions of competence including personality, managerial, entrepreneurship, supervision and social dimension. Supervision can be the controller of education quality leading to the improvement of learning output of students. This research aims to see the impact of supervision of principal on teacher, level of teacher competence on the learning output of students and the differences of learning output in Islamic education Subject among class XII Natural Science (IPA), Social Science (IPS) and IPB. The problem formulation is related to what extent the impact of principal’s supervision on teachers, and the impact of the competence level of teachers on the learning output of students are and whether there are any difference of learning output of Islamic Education Subject in Class XII Natural Science (IPA), Social Science (IPS) and IPB in State Upper Secondary School 1 Karanganom, Klaten Regency. This is a quantitative research with the model of non-parametric statistical analysis. It was conducted in State Upper Secondary School 1 Karanganom Klaten Regency from February to April 2017. The research data and data collection were conducted using questionnaires that then were given to the respondents (Teachers of Islamic Education) and data of the learning output of students in Class XII to be needed to analyze using One Way Anova combined with the result of the measurement of the principal supervision and teacher competence. The result of the research showed the impact of the principal’s supervision and competence of teachers of Islamic Education Subject on the learning output among students in State Upper Secondary School 1 Karanganom, Klaten Regency. This can be seen from the data analysis proving that the supervision of the principal to teachers is good – not always doing supervision to prevent teachers under pressure. The competence of teachers is good in which it can be seen from the good learning output in Islamic Education Subject (PAI) among students and not significantly different among the class.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaid
dc.subjectCompetence of teachers of Islamic Educationen_US
dc.subjectlearning output of studentsen_US
dc.titlePengaruh Supervisi Kepala Sekolah dan Kompetensi Guru PAI terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Karanganom Kabupaten Klatenid

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