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dc.contributor.advisorHijrah Purnama Putra, S. T., M. Eng.
dc.contributor.authorArifianto, Tino
dc.description.abstractGudeg is one of the typical food from Yogyakarta city, this food was became an interest thing from locals to tourists from outside of the city. Due to the large amount of gudeg restaurants that could generated a lot of garbage. Because of that problem, the research was conducted and has a purpose to find out the amount of garbage generation and also the garbage composition at these gudeg restaurants, as well as giving a proper management system. This research was also identifying and measuring the waste generating and waste composition from gudeg restaurants. Garbage samples were collected from three restaurants that representing three categories such as small restaurant , medium restaurant, and large category. The method that used is to calculate the volume of garbage, the used method was based on SNI M – 36 – 1994 – 03 about method of garbage collecting and example of generated garbage that has done in eight consecutive days at the same location, to measuring the volume of the garbage was using a box and had a dimension 20 x 20 x 100 cm, garbage was collected daily in eight days and separated into two categories, namely organic and inorganic. Organic waste found in gudeg restaurant includes paper and paper towels, leftovers, vegetables, rice, banana leaves, bones, egg shells, the rest of drink ingredients ( orange skin, and the dregs of tea) and also inorganic waste found in gudeg restaurants includes straw, bottle cover, plastic beverage, plastic bags, plastic of ice cubes, and paper food. Percentage composition of organic waste was 98.15% and 1.85% for inorganic waste, and garbage generation for small restaurants category produce 0,62 L/Person/Day or 0,04 Kg/Person/Day, medium restaurants category produce1,22 L/Person/Day or 0,11 Kg/Person/Day , and large restaurants category produce 1,34 L/Person/Day or 0,18 Kg/Person/Day. From the produced garbage that already known, the amount of organic waste was the most from all categories, so that authors giving a waste management reference for organic waste to make use methods of vermicompost, because in an interview with the owner of gudeg restaurant that organic waste was used for livestock food so the researcher provide a reference so that organic waste especially junk food scraps into some manageable micro-feed in order to increase livestock production and were able to reduce the feces scent from cattle as well as on other organic waste so that it can be used as compost.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaid
dc.subjectgudeg restaurantsen_US
dc.titleIdentifikasi Timbulan dan Komposisi Sampah Rumah Makan Khas Yogyakarta di Sekitar Kampus UII Terpadu Kab. Sleman Provinsi DIYid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisen_US

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