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dc.contributor.authorMaghfiroh, Maghfiroh
dc.description.abstractThe Indonesian government wants to build infrastructure to facilitate mobility and improve the country's economy by building a fast train as part of the Fast Train Indonesia-China project (KCIC). In the process of KCIC project, there are many foreign workers, especially from China. This research analyzes the Indonesian government's policy-making in accepting foreign workers, especially from China, to work on the development project. This study also examines how the entry of foreign Chinese labor can attract foreign investment and transfer skills and knowledge to the local workforce. In this study, the researcher used the theory of policy-making popularized by William D. Coplin. This theory was used to understand the factors that influenced decision-making in accepting foreign labor, especially from China, in the KCIC development project. This theory was also used to explain the factors that can influence policy makers, namely domestic political factors, international context factors, and economic and military factors.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectFast Trainen_US
dc.subjectDecision Makingen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of Indonesian Government's Decision in Using Foreign Workers From China in the Case of The Indonesia - China Fast Train (KCIC) Project 2015 - 2022en_US

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