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dc.contributor.advisorFathul Wahid, S.T., M.Sc,. Ph.D.
dc.contributor.authorMardhiyyah, Rodhiyah
dc.description.abstractAlmost everyone today is using social media,including industries. Universities are seeing the importance of using social media as a medium of communication, publicity and marketing. People are increasingly thirsty for information and because of the social media, universities are required to actively use social media in order to meet the needs of social media users. Universities need to know the appropriate social media strategy so they are able to meet the needs from people and to improve the image and reputation of universities. This study examines the use of social media in Indonesia and the impact of its use. Social media used in this research are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as these social media are top three social media that are widely used in Indonesia. The research was conducted with data frame are top five universities in Indonesia and five universities with the rank of 96-100 based on 4ICU survey results. This is qualitative research where data are collected in the form of account information, posting frequency, media, content, how to deliver, responses, and audience comments. The collected data are then grouped into certain categories for analysis of usage patterns and their impacts. The results of the social media usage analysis are then used to compare the use of social media among universities ranked 1-5 with 96-100. The result of this research is that group ranked 1-5 are more popular than group ranked 96-100 but they are has positive impact.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaid
dc.subjectSocial mediaen_US
dc.subjectusage patternen_US
dc.titlePenggunaan Media Sosial oleh Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia dan Dampaknyaid

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