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dc.contributor.authorNur'aini Junep, Khalista
dc.description.abstractThe study attempts to search the relationship between emotional inteligent and credit decision making among the civil servants. The hyphothesis tested was based on the assumption that the higher the emotional intelligent, the lower the credit decision making. The lower emotional intelligent, the higher the credit decision making. The subject in this research are 49 civil servants of administrators and teachers who work in Elementary schools that provide credits for them. The Elementary Schools are located in the district of Pakem, Sleman. The election of the subjects is based on the sampling area. The data collection in this research uses the questionare research with scale methode that consists of two scales which are (1) the scale of emotional intelligent based on Goleman Theory, it consists of 33 items with total coeficient item that moves from 0.312 to 0.772, and alpha coeficient corelation as much as 0.8254. and (2) the scales of credit decision making based on Gito Sudarmo and Sudita theory (Irawan, 2002), it consist of 25 item with total coeficient item that moves from 0.351 to 0.780, and alpha coeficient corelation as much as 0, 8545 The data analysis methode that is used is the corelation test of product moment. The calculation is carried out by spss 11,5 for windows program. The result shows that there is possitive relation which is very significant between emotional intelligent and credit decision making (r=0.566; p=0.000, p<0.01). The Higher the emotional intelligent, the higher the credit decition making. This means that the result of the study is againts the hypothesis. The level of emotional intelligent gives influence of 31.4% (r²=0,314) to the credit decision makingen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectEmotional Intelligenten_US
dc.subjectCredit Decision Makingen_US
dc.titleHubungan Antara Kecerdasan Emosi Dengan Pengambilan Keputusan Kredit Pada Pegawai Negeri Sipilen_US

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