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dc.contributor.authorAsnilia, Chepi Putri
dc.contributor.authorNurjanah, Febriani
dc.description.abstractUntreated Naphtha or Light Naphtha Oil (LNO) is one of Petroleum fractions that as sulphur content. Hydrodesulphurisation is one of process to decrease sulphur content on gasoline in order to produce fuel gasoline oil for motor engine fuel. Treated naphtha / Light Naphtha Oil (LNO) is one of component to make gasoline using processing at untreated naphtha that is one of product in Crude Distilling unit function of this process is to decrease sulphur content to obtain treated naphtha with sulfur content whiches suitable with specification of gasoline oil in market. Hydrodesulphurisation process use fixed bed adiabatic reactor. Naphtha Hydrotreater unit with capacity 3.000 ton/day needed raw material or untreated naphtha as much as 990.000 ton/year and Hydrogen Rich Gas as much as 6.026 ton/year, steam as much as 405.266 ton/year and electrycal as much as 458 kW. This plant is planned to be built in Cilacap, Central Java, that need land area of 18.400 m2. The operation of factory is planned for 24 hour/day and 330 day/year except in schedule of turn around to maintain factory untensile. The Labour needed are 145 person. Fixed capital are Rp 3.742.942.511.650, working capital are Rp 4.428.374.292.848,25. The result of economic evaluation show that profit before taxes are Rp 812.676.723.043,75 and profit after taxes are Rp 406.338.361.521,88. Return on investment before taxes are 22,01 % and after taxes 11 % Pay out time before taxes are 3,15 year, after taxes 4,79 year. Discounted cash flow fate at 28,80 %, Break event point ( BEP ) at 41,27 % capacit, on the other hand Shut down point ( SDP ) at 22,72 % capacity. Based on the economic evaluation result there for concluded that this plant interest to build up.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US

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