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dc.contributor.authorPutri, Shafrina Inka
dc.contributor.authorEdrees, Munichy B.
dc.description.abstractAn architecture design is about cost of implementation. Cost calculation is highly affecting the quality of the design. In some cases, architecture design plan are having budget limit that affects the design. If the budget limitation does exist, then the architecture design has to be reviewed from perspective of shapes, construction system, utility network system, space area, and the quality of the materials that are going to be used. Therefore, the change of the architecture design depends on the available budget. On this Rehabilitasi Asrama MMTC Blok III Yogyakarta project, there is a significant budget decrement. The tight schedule and decreased budget on the beginning of the implementation have the architect to adjust the design to the available budget accordingly. Therefore, the writer will not only review how much the decrement of the budget will affect to the quality of Rehabilitasi Asrama MMTC Blok III Yogyakarta, but also the role of architect on behaving the decrement of budget on that hostel.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSIA 2018;
dc.subjectdecreased costen_US
dc.subjectdesign qualityen_US
dc.titlePengaruh Penurunan Biaya terhadap Kualitas Desain Bangunan Studi Kasus: Rehabiliasi Asrama MMTC Blok III Yogyakartaen_US

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