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dc.contributor.authorHidayatullah, Riski
dc.contributor.authorRayaganda, Baritoadi Buldan
dc.description.abstractArchitecture contemporary undergo development because influenced by the thought that architecture must be able to obtain target and solve for architecture today and the future.In indonesia the development of architecture contemporary, seen in during the last decade dominiasi by the influence langgam and a style of architecture certain so many architect who having used kontenporer karaktersitik architecture, erp design which they apply not necessarily meet the standard of architecture contemporary actually. The development of architecture mosque in indonesia still dominated the style of architecture middle east and hindu, this can be seen visually to the dome and a minaret the mosque.Evaluation aims to understand the characteristic architecture contemporary design mosque in building ontowiryo in purworejo.metode used is descriptive qualitative, with hypothesis derived from a theory and then tested the truth based on data empirical.Research is expected can evaluate the characteristic architecture contemporary design mosque in building ontowiryo in purworejo.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSIA 2018;
dc.subjectContemporary Architectureen_US
dc.titleEvaluasi Penerapan Karakteristik Arsitektur Kontemporer Studi Kasus : Design Masjid Ontowiryo Di Purworejo,Jawa Tengahen_US

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