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dc.contributor.authorAldillah, Rizki
dc.contributor.authorRGR, Baritoadi
dc.description.abstractThe world of architecture is an area that always continues to innovate with the help of other disci pline. This is evident from several cases occurs in the design process. One of them occurred in the planning project Kampong Wisata Air Area, Ponggok, Central Java. In the process, The architect team felt the need to embrace several multidisciplines to get along resolve the issue at the design site. There are 3 main aspects The design of this area is the environmental aspect (water management embung), the aspects of governance city (the impact of regional presence in the region) and aspects of design (presenting) new icon Ponggok). This is a big challenge for multidisciplinary to work together to produce the optimal design. Certainly required the right management system that can be maintained The intensity of each team member either directly (physical meeting) or not direct (virtual communication). With consideration of organizational theory and schema of general managerial planning, then the authors will conduct comparative studies against multidisciplinary collaboration in management planning, with an approach theory and general managerial planning scheme and case study of Kampung Area Water Tour, Ponggok.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSIA 2018;
dc.subjectDesign Processen_US
dc.subjectManagement Planningen_US
dc.titleEVALUASI KOLABORASI MULTIDISIPLIN DALAM MANAJEMEN PERENCANAAN Dengan Pendekatan Teori dan Skema Manajerial Perencanaan Umum Studi kasus : Proyek Kawasan Wisata Air Ponggok, Pulonharjo, Klatenen_US

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