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dc.contributor.authorBennaradicta, Zhafira Rizqa
dc.contributor.authorSugini, Sugini
dc.description.abstractBuildings have a considerable impact on the environment if it is not planned, constructed, and operated properly. The principle of sustainable design is one way that can be done to minimize the impact caused by the development and the architect has a role in applying sustainability principle in every design of the building. This research was conducted to evaluate the application of sustainability principle in the design of Kostel Gejayan, which is a commercial residential building in the form of boarding house with equivalent facility of hotel, using the benchmark contained in GREENSHIP. The aspects that will be evaluated including appropriate land use, energy efficiency and conservation, water conservation and indoor health and comfort. The success of the evaluation is determined by the percentage of success based on the comparison between the value of the analysis with the specified benchmark standard values . Based on the results of research, it drawn conclusions about the main consideration of the architect in the design of Kostel Gejayan, especially its influence on the principle of sustainability.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSIA 2018;
dc.subjectSustainable Design Principleen_US
dc.subjectKostel Gejayanen_US
dc.titleEvaluasi Prinsip Sustainability pada Hasil Rancangan Bangunan bedasarkan Tolok Ukur GREENSHIP dengan Studi Kasus Proyek Kostel Gejayan, Yogyakartaen_US

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