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dc.contributor.advisorTuti Sumarningsih
dc.contributor.authorAndriawan, Muhammad Rizki
dc.description.abstractScheduling a project is planned and created with the aim that the project can be completed on time. Reality on the ground shows that the project completion time varies, so the expected time of completion of a particular project can not be met. Accuracy in estimating the time of completion and the estimated duration of the project activities is needed. the estimated duration of the activity should be done by considering all possibilities that will occur during the execution of the project which could hinder its implementation. This study aims to determine the time required to execute or complete the project using PDM and determining the ratio between the time the existing schedule to reschedule using PDM method (Precedence Diagram Method) will be used in performing the scheduling. The determination of the duration of the project activities of this method with the three scenarios, the addition of 2 hours, 3 hours Additionally, and 4 hours Additionally, by adding to the existing work on the critical path that has been looking at using MS Project. Research was conducted on Java Village Resort Development Project. In planning the project data penyelesainya duration of 180 days early. While the results of data analysis Microsoft Project, the duration of 159 days to complete the addition of 2 hours, 148 days for an additional 3 hours and 137 days for the addition of four hours overtime or reduction. Through this evaluation, are expected to work more smoothly and more profitably. With a shorter duration of execution, then all sorts of rubbish that occur can be minimized and the benefits to be achieved can be optimized.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectProject Schedulingen_US
dc.subjectProject Planningen_US
dc.subjectPDM Methoden_US
dc.subjectMicrosoft Projecten_US
dc.titleAnalisis Penjadwalan Ulang (Rescheduling) Pembangunan Gedung ( Studi Kasus Proyek Pembangunan Java Village Resort Kota Yogyakarta )en_US

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