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dc.description.abstractThis study moved from curiosity about the teachings of Saridin that understood by people of Pati, Central Java, especially for people of kayen and the implications of the story and teachings Saridin for rituals and religious expression of Pati’s people. This article is trying to trace the spread of Islam and strategy Saridin style, which is a typical character of coastal Islam. By putting the story in perspective Saridin 'people religion', this article tread on the dialectic of myth and tradition to see the religious phenomenon in the Muslim community in Pati area, Central Java. Saridin is an important figure in the religious imagination of believers in coastal area of Pati, Central Java. Saridin – or called by Syech Jangkung – be references to Islamic dakwah figures who teach the values practiced strategy, not just words. Saridin Da'wah is a strategy to get closer to the essence of Islamic teachings and traditions of Javanese ritual. Thus, Islamic patterns and their faithful Saridin brought into the main features of coastal-depicting Islamic religious values to accommodate the legacy of local traditions. From the biographical background – this wrote in the mental history of Pati – Saridin was a key figure, in addition to persona Kiai Mutamakkin (1645-1740). Saridin did Islamic dakwah with Islamic values that called “laku-lampah” which directly indicates the seriousness as researcher of Islam, as a student of Sunan Kalidjaga and Sunan Kudus. Saridin absorbed the lessons of his both teachers, to then become a model of religious practice that emphasizes the core, not just practicing artificial. Now Saridin known as persona in the northern coastal area of Central Java, and a portion of the border region of East Java.en_US
dc.publisherJurnal al-Mawarid, Hukum Islam FIAI UIIen_US
dc.subjectSaridin, coastal area of Islam, Islamic religious values, myth and tradition.en_US

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