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dc.contributor.advisorIda Nuraini Dewi K. N S.I. KOM., M.A.
dc.description.abstractThe Covid-19 pandemic impacts on almost all sectors, one of them is the hotel sector. Where the various impacts felt by the hotel range from influencing internal aspects such as employees to the economic condition of the hotel to external aspects such as relationships with customers. To survive and succeed through the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, the hotel is required to be responsive and adaptable to the situation through the preparation and creation of products or programs from each hotel or what is called a marketing strategy. In this case, the hotel will rely on its role of Public Relations in developing strategies to deal with the crisis, one of which is how to maintain relationships with customers. Thus, like Swiss-belboutique Yogyakarta as a part of the hotel sector that is felt the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is also trying to find a solution to survive in times of crisis, where Public Relations decide to survive by maximize the use of digital media, Instagram, as a marketing strategy during the pandemic. This research was conducted with the Public Relations of Swiss-Belboutique Yogyakarta to reveal a deeper hotel recovery strategy. This study also highlights the comparison analysis of the marketing strategy before and during the pandemic adopted by Hotel Swiss-belboutique Yogyakarta.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectstrategies marketingen_US
dc.subjectpublic relationen_US
dc.subjectswiss-belboutique yogyakartaen_US
dc.titlePublic Relation Role In Marketing Strategy Before And During The Covid-19 Pandemic In Hotel Business Case Study: Swiss-Belhotel Yogyakartaen_US

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