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dc.contributor.advisorDr-Ing. Putu Ayu Pramanasari Agustiananda, S.T., M.A.
dc.contributor.authorRIFQI CAHYA MAHENDRA
dc.description.abstractThe design of the cultural center with cultural waterfront design startegies aims to preserve the fading of culture in Surabaya as well to accommodate cultural cooperation between the Madurese and Javanese tribes around the Madura Strait. The design aims to enhance and maximize the existing waterfront potential and improve the surrounding economy by creating jobs for the community around the area. To achieve an excellent cultural center with the characteristics of a region where it was established, it is done by creating a cultural tourism area that follows the values and requirements of cultural activity and follows the patterns and characteristics of water as an essential planning element. This design approach and strategies uses a cultural waterfront design strategies and utilizes the potential of water and the surrounding nature without destroying the already existing nature. This can create a new lively waterfront cultural tourism center, preserving the fading cultures and accommodating the new cultural cooperation alongside increasing the existing waterfront potential value and economic value to the people around it.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectCultural Centeren_US
dc.subjectCultural Waterfronten_US
dc.titleDesign Of Cultural Center With Cultural Waterfront Design Strategies In Madura Strait Area, Kedung Cowek, Surabayaen_US

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