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dc.contributor.advisorIr. Rini Darmawati, M. T.
dc.contributor.authorMuhammad Hanif Alwasi
dc.description.abstractYogyakarta is famous as a city of culture need to develop a culture of Indonesia continues to grow the martial arts. This development can be realized through the work of architecture to accommodate the martial arts. Through an architecture, the public can come and see the activities of martial arts. From here there will be appreciative attitude towards martial arts. Not just come and watch, the architectural work can be developed as an urban recreation space. Yogyakarta as the big cities is urgent to create more recreational spaces. The site is within the urban agricultural land managed by the Department of Agriculture DIY. The concepts developed in the case of this design is the character of the rural landscape. One strategy that led to the character of the rural landscape as minimal as possible reduce the agricultural land. This is because the rural atmosphere synonymous with the atmosphere of agriculture. So that people can recreation in urban and rural atmosphere. Site planning process starts from the determination jogging track surrounding agricultural land as a container main recreation. After planning a jogging track, then the planning area of the padepokan. The design concept of padepokan based on the shape and character of exercise each child's age and the age of the teen-age adults. A form of exercise lead to the child's age play activities to increase the psychomotor and character should be fun. Meanwhile, the teen-adult form of exercise leads to physical training techniques as well as the character to be aggressive. In addition to strategies to minimize the use of agricultural land, the general concept of a region using two indicators. First, the indicators landscaping that emphasizes the use of natural materials, such as stone, wood, or sand. Second, indicators of the building as a rule in designing the building mass in order to produce harmony with nature as the rural landscape in general. Results of design its padepokan’s main building express aggressive character. This character is manifested in the walls of the diagonal elements. Moreover, the character of the rural landscape in this building realized on the application exposes brick and natural stone. There is also outdoor space to accommodate the martial arts training for children. This outdoor space is equipped playground beams to exercise horses as well as the various features of the game to improve psychomotor child. The character of the rural landscape is further enhanced by the presence of the fishing pond flanked by a pavilion. This pool represents the element of water as an element reinforcing the rural landscape. Padepokan and pavilion so that visitors have a visual relationship that is in the fishing pond can enjoy the atmosphere of the exercises in the padepokan. Their jogging track also adds an urban recreational functions. This is a reference jogging track footpath rice widened to 1.5 meters. Jogging track surrounding agricultural land so that people can enjoy grove of rice or corn as the atmosphere in the village but in urban areasen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.titlePadepokan Pencak Silat Di Yogyakartaen_US

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