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dc.contributor.advisorIke Agustina, M.Si.
dc.contributor.authorIndah Prastiwi
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to verify the relation between employee perception of work environment with organizational commitment in PT Hanil Indonesia. The first assumption proposed in this research is that there is a positive relation within employee perception of work environment with organizational commitment in PT Hanil Indonesia. The more positive employee perception of work environment, organizational commitment will become higher. The subjects of this research are PT Hanil Indonesia’s employees at the production area. There are 12 items of organizational commitment scale based on Allen and Meyer’s (1990) organizational commitment aspects, while there are 24 items of employee perception of work environment based on Subroto’s (2005) work environment aspects. Pearson’s product moment used as the data analysis method. The correlation shows r= 0.385 with p= 0.001 (p<0.01), it means that there is a significantly positive relationship between employee perception of work environment with organizational commitment in PT Hanil Indonesia, or in other words we accept the hypothesis. Keywords: employee perception of work environment, organizational commitmenten_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectemployee perception of work environment, organizational commitmenten_US
dc.titleHubungan Antara Persepsi Karyawan Terhadap Lingkungan Kerja Dengan Komitmen Organisasi Di PT Hanil Indonesia Boyolalien_US

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