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dc.contributor.advisordr. Soeroyo Machfudz, Sp. A (K)
dc.contributor.authorDini Prima Utami
dc.description.abstractBackground. The high incidence of upper respiratory tract infection in infants caused by various factors. In this study the studied factors were age, gender, low birth weight, nutritional status, exclusive breastfeeding, immunization completeness, maternal education, socio-economy, the presence of family members who smoke, and the presence of family members who got URTI. Objective. To determine the factors influencing the incidence of URTI in infants in 1 Cimanggu public health service, Cilacap district in 2010. Methods. This research used an analytical observational method which was conducted by a cross sectional approach. Cluster random sampling method was used in this research to obtain 225 infants. Instruments used in this study were questionnaries and documents of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) books. Techniques of data analysis using statistical test of Chi Square and logistic regression analysis. Results. Based on Chi Square analysis found that there were no significant relationship between each of these factors on the incidence of infants URTI. However, based on logistic regression analysis found that the most influential factors on the incidence of URTI can be seen from the strength of the relationship of the value of RP (EXP B). The relationship strength from the largest to the smallest is the socio-economic 1 (RP = 2.166), the presence of family members who got URTI (RP = 1.590), and the socio-economic 2 (RP = 1.354). Conclusion. The most allegedly influential factors in the incidence of infants URTI in Cimanggu 1 public health center is the socio-economic and the presence of family members who got URTI. Keywords. Clinical features, factors, incidence of URTI, infantsen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectClinical featuresen_US
dc.subjectincidence of URTIen_US
dc.titleGambaran Klinis Dan Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Angka Kejadian Ispa Pada Balita Di Puskesmas Cimanggu 1 Kabupaten Cilacapen_US

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