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dc.contributor.advisorT.N. Saifullah, M.Si., Apt.
dc.contributor.authorOkky Puspitasari Sugiyarto
dc.description.abstractBitter Melon ( Momordicacharantia L) has been used as hypoglycemic agent on diabetes mellitus type 2 (Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus). The aim of this study was to fIND optimum formula of bitter melon fruit extract. Tablets made with a modified mixture of avicel PH 101 and primojel by Simplex Lattice Design method. Primojel have a minimum value 10mg, maximum value 40mg, while avicel PH 101 maximum value 265mg, the minimum value 235mg. Bitter mellon fruit extract is made by using the maceration method with etanol 70% and extract was powdered with Avicel PH 101 (1:1) and then dried in oven at 500C for 24 hours. Wet granulation method was used in this study and using primojel, magnesiumStearat as exipient. Test on the tablet mass includes angle of repose and water absorption. Test on the tablet includes uniformity of diameter, hardness, friability, disintegration time, uniformity of weight, and water absorption. The result showed tablet mass and tablet bitter mellon fruit extract with avicel PH 101 composition of 37,67% (246,5mg) and 62,33% (28,5mg) primojel have the best physical properties and higest response compared to a combination of avicel PH 101 and primojel others. Key words : extract bitter mellon, Simplex Lattice Design, Avicel PH101, Primojelen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectextract bitter mellonen_US
dc.subjectSimplex Lattice Designen_US
dc.subjectAvicel PH101en_US
dc.titleOptimasi Formula Tablet Ekstrak Buah Pare (Momordicacharantia L.) dengan Bahan Penghancur Primojeldan Bahan Pengisi-Pengering Avicel PH 101en_US

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