Now showing items 10-29 of 38

    • Health Challenges in Africa; Islamic Bioethics Perspective 

      Ali Akhmad, Syaefudin (FIMA Scientific Congress, 201-07-201)
      Africa still left behind in health sector among other countries in the world. The problem of human resources and natural resources as well as low quality of infrastructure is still becoming mayor problem beside political ...
    • Healthy Street Food 

      Ali Akhmad, Syaefudin; Resi, Kurnia; Wibisono, Kurnia (Citra Media Pustaka, 2014-02-02)
      Sebagai Besar Street Food menggunakan berbagai macam bahan kimia yang berbahaya yang dapat menyebabkan liver, gijal dan penyakit saraf termasuk kanker,
    • Hematologi Dasar 

      Rosita, Linda; Pramana, Abrory Agus Cahya; Arfira, Fathiya Rahma (Universitas Islam Indonesia, 2019-04-20)
      Sistem hematologi dalam fungsi normal manusia. Darah berperan penting dalam semua proses fisiologis yang terjadi di dalam tubuh makhluk hidup.Sistem peredaran darah tidak dapat dilepaskan pula hubungannya dengan sistem ...
    • Integrating Biomedical Ethics and Ethics of Environmental Chemistry 

      Ali Akhmad, Syaefudin (ICICS 2013, 2013-10-23)
      Environmental damage and abuse of science for evil purposes has become a major issue and a major problem at this time era of freedom. Humans have lost control in the name of freedom in the use of science and technology so ...
    • Islamic Bioethics for Green Spirit 

      Ali Akhmad, Syaefudin (UAD Press, 2013-03-23)
      Science and technology have backfired which lowers the dignity of the human rights due to a first generation of Human Rights that tends to glorify the liberal right for autonomy or selfdetermination excessively. Human ...
    • Level of CKMB, TROPONIN I, and LDH in Patients with Chest Pain Complains 

      Rosita, Linda; Adikazhulhi, Arjana AZA; Mulyaningrum, Utami; Yuantari, Rahma (2017-11-18)
      BACKGROUND: Cardiac marker test is an important part to make a decision of the therapy diagnosis for the patients coming with chest pain complaints. There are many choices of cardiac markers which could be selected in order ...

      Farikhah, Siti; Juliantina Rachmawaty, Farida (2015-01-01)
      Istilah manajemen mempunyai konotasi dengan kata pengelolaan maupun administrasi. Kata pengelolaan merupakan terjemahan dari management dalam bahasa Inggris,tetapi secara substansif belum mewakili, sehingga kata management ...
    • Miracle Infused Water 

      Ali Akhmad, Syaefudin; Anggraini, Dewi (Citra Media Pustaka, 2014-07-06)
      Manusian tidak akan pernah bisa hidup tanpa air. bagaimanapun juga lebih dari 80% bagian dari tubuh manusia adalah berbentuk cairan. karna itulah dibutuhkan sekitar 8 gelas untuk memenuhi kandungan air yang dibutuhkan tubuh.
    • Moral and Character Education in Faculty of Medicine Islamic University of Indonesia: An Experience of Student Perspective 

      Ali Akhmad, Syaefudin; Yendri, Veby Novri (Yogyakarta State University, 2013-06-26)
      Islamic University of Indonesia (lUI) Faculty of Medicine (FM) was founded in 2001, had a vision in accordance with the vision rahmatalill'alamin (blessing for all) of lUI. The purpose of medical education in Faculty of ...
    • Natural Language Parsing of Patient Complaints in Indonesian Language 

      INdah Ratnasari, Chanifah; Rosita, Linda; Kusumadewi, Sri (International Conference on Science and Technology 2015, 2015-11-05)
      In Indonesia, patient complaints are recorded in the form of free-text data or a narrative text by the doctor when taking the medical history or conducting the medical interview. This text, although recorded in electronic ...
    • Peran Rekestren (Relawan Kesehatan Pesantren) Dalam Meningkatkan Derajat Kesehatan Pondok Pesantren 

      Rachmawaty, Farida Juliantina; Rosmelia; Rochmah, Fitria Siwi Nur; Lusiyana, Novyan (Universitas Islam Indonesia, 2018-10-11)
      Indonesia adalah negara yang memiliki lebih dari 20.000 pondok pesantren sebagain lembaga Pendidikan yang formal. Lingkungan yang kurang sehat dan fasilitas yang kurang memadai berdampak munculnya berbagai penyakit infeksi ...

      Juliantina Rachmawaty, Farida; Devi Miswida, Chintya; Triastuti, Asih; Arum Sari, Desy (2015-11-11)
      Mencuci tangan merupakan hal sederhana namun sangat penting dalam perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, serta dapat mencegah sebagian besar penyakit infeksi. Saat ini dengan alasan praktis telah umum digunakan gel antiseptik ...

      Juliantina Rachmawaty, Farida (UII-Press, 2018-03-23)
      Periodontitis is a serious infection or inflammation of the gums that involves the destruction of soft tissues and bones supporting the teeth. The causes of periodontitis are some species of gram-negative bacteria ...
    • Polymorphism ESR a As Risk Factor of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (OM) in Javenese Menopausal Women of Indonesia 

      Ali Akhmad, Syaefudin; Madiyan, Maliyah; Hastuti, Pramudji (FIMA, 2012-09-13)
      Introduction: Every year the number of patients with Diabetes Mellitus are increasing with the increasing age of women especially in menopause women. WHO predict the rising of the nt.tmber of patients with diabetes ...
    • Prevalence of Estrogen Receptor Alpha (ESRa) Gene Polymorphism in Javenese postmenopausal Women with DM type 2 . 

      Lestariana, Wiryatun; Ali Akhmad, Syaefudin; Mujianto, Mujianto; Effendi, A.T (2013-10-22)
      Polymorph isms of estrogen receptor alpha (ESR-a) gene may cause deleterious effect to metabolic action, particularly in the glucose homeostasis due to insulin resistance. Polymorphisms in the ESR-a gene have been associated ...
    • Prevalence of Xbal Polymorphism of ESR a Gene in Healthy Javanese Menopausal Women 

      Ali Akhmad, Syaefudin (Wise Healt 2012, 2012-12-06)
      Abstract: Polymorphism of estrogen receptor alpha (ESR a) may cause pleitrophic effect to lipid levels, lipid response to hormone replacement therapy (HRT), myocardial infarction risk, stroke, migraine, bone fracture ...
    • Problem in the Use of Herb on Medical Practices 

      Ali Akhmad, Syaefudin; Fitriyati, Yasmini (Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University, 2013-03-06)
      Trend herbal medicine that has been like "mushroom" has caused doctors facing dilemma between the rigid disciplines of science or adjust to the demands of society. The doctor as a profession is bound to medical disciplines ...
    • Problems to Incalculate Bioethics from Knowledge to Professional Behavior 

      Ali Akhmad, Syaefudin; Khadafiyanto, Fuad; Wijaya, Diani Puspa (First International Conference Bioethics and Professional Practice, 2013-05-12)
      Education is a continuous process to transform students into man according to the purpose of its creation to give worthwhile or benefit for themselves, for others, for the whole universe along with all its contents and ...

      Rosita, Linda (Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University of Indonesia, 2016-05-17)
      Background: Chest pain was chief complaints in emergency department. This complaints could be caused by cardiac or non cardiac. Cardiac cause could be ACS (acute coronary syndrome) thus cardiac enzyme assay is mandatory ...
    • Resep Praktis Diet golongan darah A 

      Ali Akhmad, Syaefudin; Resi, Kurnia (Citra Media Pustaka, 2015-03-08)
      Kesehatan adalah segalanya. Begitulah pepatah mengatakan. Kesehatan juga menjadi sangat berharga saat kita kehilangannya. Untuk itu, orang akan melakukan segalanya untuk mendapatkan tubuh yang sehat, yaitu dengan cara ...