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dc.contributor.advisorDr. Rahmani Timorita Yulianti, M.Ag.
dc.contributor.authorM. Iskandar
dc.description.abstractDifferent characteristic between conventional bank products and Islamic bank product has led to reluctance among entrepreneurs in Sleman Regency to make the best use of Islamic bank products. Such reluctance is mainly attributed to a perception that saving money in Islamic bank will not benefit them with fixed income of interest as that in the conventional banks. Hence, this research primarily aims at having an insight on the perception of small micro entrepreneurs in Sleman Regency towards both Islamic and conventional banking. Second, it also aims at knowing the considerable factors among small micro entrepreneurs in responding Islamic and conventional bank products. Third, it means to discover whether the current Islamic bank products have met the demand of small micro entrepreneurs. This research takes the form of field research with verificative nature. The verificative nature means to reveal whether the small micro entrepreneur perception in Sleman Regency has met the intended object. It also involved the small micro entrepreneurs in Sleman Regency as the research population by including 102 respondents as research samples taken through Purposive Sampling and Incidental Sampling. The research analysis was conducted through Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) assisted by LISREL 8.8 program. It is revealed that, first, small micro entrepreneurs in Sleman Regency mostly have good perception towards Islamic banking, whilst their perception towards the conventional banks can be classified as very good. Second, some considerable factors for these small micro entrepreneurs to respond banks‟ products are emotional response, flow experience, and perceived value. Third, it is also unveiled that the current Islamic banks have met the demand of small micro entrepreneurs in Sleman Regency since the Islamic banks have fulfilled their demand as they show high level of satisfaction towards its products. Keywords: Small Micro Enterprises, Perception, Islamic Banks, Conventional Banksen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectSmall Micro Enterprisesen_US
dc.subjectIslamic Banksen_US
dc.subjectConventional Banksen_US
dc.titlePersepsi Pengusaha Mikro Kecil Di Kabupaten Sleman Terhadap Perbankan Syari’ah Dan Konvensional Mengenai Pembiayaanen_US

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