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dc.contributor.advisorDr. Sri Kusumadewi, S.Si., MT.
dc.contributor.authorMahesti Rancaksari
dc.description.abstractAt the beginning of its establishment in 2013 Integrated Waste Bank of Mina Sembada operated savings transaction manually, so that sometimes in implementation had errors in data processing. Another problem that the work in the waste bank was a social working, so there was no commission that made rarely found someone who willing as an employee in it. For that, we need a system that could minimize the number of employee who could manage all the operations of the waste bank. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to design of management information systems for savings transaction web based to facilitate employee in data filling, data searching, data processing until to the report in the form of Ledger easily and facilitate members to access savings that has been saved or prospective members who will access information about the latest news and profile of Integrated Waste Bank of Mina Sembada.The results showed that "ease of website interface was recognized" of 4.04 indicated that design of management information systems for savings transaction web based had an easy aspect of Learnability, “ease of website to operated” of 3,81 indicated that design of management information systems for savings transaction web based had an easy aspect of Efficiency, “ease of considering menu and display on the website” of 3,56 indicated that design of management information systems for savings transaction web based had an easy aspect of Memorability. “ease of existing website applications easy to read” of 3,92 and “easily understandable image symbols" of 3.65 indicated that design of management information systems for savings transaction web based could be said to have minimized the Errors aspect, and the overall attribute that had an average value of 3.848 rounded to 3.85 indicated that design of management information systems for savings transaction web based had an easy aspect of Satisfaction. Keywords: Waste Bank, Management Information Systems, Websiteen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectWaste Banken_US
dc.subjectManagement Information Systemsen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Dan Desain Sistem Informasi Manajemen Transaksi Tabungan Pada Bank Sampah Terpadu Mina Sembada Berbasis Weben_US

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