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dc.contributor.advisorIr. Arman Yulianta, MUP
dc.contributor.authorNani Susiani
dc.description.abstractHarajuku Culture is Japanesse Modern Culture that dynamically developed among the traditional culture. Harajuku Culture shows the freedom of personal expression as responses to environments and personal feelings. Harajuku Culture is so dynamic and experimental depends on the subject. Music is audial human expressions, showed by singings or any music instruments. Music has developed dynamically and can be enjoyed by anyone and anywhere as the effect of technological developments. Tokyo Music Center offers dynamic musical-spatial experience like Harajuku Culture does. Synesthetic Architecture is determined as basic concept which connects three issues: sensual experience, personal expressions and dynamic-experimental design. Synesthesia is a neurological condition which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic-involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. Synesthestic approach on architecture positioned the building as a Synesthete: the subject that receive a stimulation and express it into a dynamic-spatial experience as an expression. Tokyo Music Center design is equipped by building sensor systems that capture audio signals and manifest them into Audience Moving Seats. Audience Seats rotate slowly around the stage based on audio signals received with Magnetic Levitation technology. Audience Seats Movement and Zero- Gravity Dome Stage give audiences 360 degrees perspective to the performance. Music is a dynamic art, so that Tokyo Music Centre by Synesthetic Architecture gives unstatic music Performance. Keywords: dynamic, expression, music, sensor system, synesthesiaen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectsensor systemen_US
dc.titleTokyo Music Centre by Synesthetic Architectureen_US

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