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dc.description.abstractFly Ashes of textile industry that resulted from incinerator combustion are hazardous and poisonous waste (B3 waste) so that need specific treatment. This research target is to know the heavy metal level which immobile in ceramic which have been enhanced by fly ashes and additive substances. In other side, also to know the curved strength quality of ceramic and percentage of optimum fly ashes addition in ceramic forming from technical aspect and environmental and health aspect. One of the preparation method used is fly ashes solidification as ceramic. In this solidification process, used different addition of concentration 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% fly ashes in ceramic substances, after that give the water sufficiently and formed of the size 10cm x 10cm x 1cm. Ceramic which have been formed, dried and burned on 200°C during 16 hours, each variation attempt made by 5 ceramics sample. To obtained ceramic test object, conducted curved strength test and leachate test with the TCLP method. Addition fly ashes in ceramic making substance show the positive result. From research result, addition 10%,20% and 30% waste obtained curved strength value equal to 77,188 kg/cm2;40,667 kg/cm2 and 36,156 kg/cm2, still give good quality of ceramic because curved strength of ceramic still in the above wall ceramic comparator value which sold in market that is equal to 31,69 kg/cm2; 29,25 kg/cm and 21,94 kg/cm2, while at addition 40% waste that is equal to 16,250 kg/cm yielding curved strength value under comparator value so that yield bad ceramic quality. Inspection heavy metal leachate of Cr, Zn And Pb at solid ceramic with Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) method at addition 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% fly ashes still under standard quality determined by PP No.18 of 1999. Therefore optimum addition fly ashes percentage in ceramic forming from technical aspect and environmental and health aspect is 10% with the curved strength value equal to 77,188 kg/cm2 and leachate value the heavy metal of Cr, Zn and Pb equal to 0,013mg/l; 0,308mg/l and 0,176mg/L. From this research result is inferential that fly ashes from combustion result of textile industry incinerator is competent from technical aspect and also environmental and health aspect.en_US
dc.publisherUII Yogyakartaen_US
dc.subjectSolidifikasi Limbah Flyashen_US
dc.subjectHasil Pembakaranen_US
dc.subjectIncinerator Industri Tekstil sebagai Keramiken_US
dc.titleSolidifikasi Limbah Flyash Hasil Pembakaran Incinerator Industri Tekstil sebagai Keramiken_US

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