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dc.contributor.author16913047 Imam Mukhyidin
dc.description.abstractIn the current globalization era, the development of Islamic education in Indonesia deals with a number of issues, including moral degradation, loss of enthusiasm for research, and loss of courage and confidence. This is proven by student brawls, low rate of reading interest, and the various impacts of Western world hegemony on Islam, particularlyon science and education. Based on these problems, the focus of this research is (a) what is the concept of religious humanism in Islamic Education from the perspective of Abdurahman Mas'ud? and (b)what are the implications of the concept of Religious Humanism in Islamic Education from Abdurahman Mas'ud’s perspective for education in Indonesia? This research is a descriptive quantitative study with library research. The primary data sources include interviews and the works of Abdurahman Mas'ud,while the secondary data sources consist of scientific publications in the form of books, journals, articles, and other research findings related to Abdurrahman Mas’ud's school of thoughts. The content of religious humanism in Islamic education is the continuous development of high degree of social concern for humanity and ability to develop students’ potential. The concept will eventually bring humans to be able to solve religious problems and social issues. The results of this study show that the school of thoughts of Abdurahman Mas'ud is influenced by the process of his basic education when studying in an Islamic boarding school, his education at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, and his life and education at the University of California Los Angles (UCLA). In the context of Islamic education today, schools must be oriented to religious humanism. By not separating the two dimensions of science, namely religious knowledge and general science as well as the dimensions of revelation and reason that continue to go hand in hand and are integrated with based on humanism in the process of Islamic education activities.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectReligious Humanismen_US
dc.subjectIslamic Educationen_US
dc.subjectAbdurrahman Mas’uden_US
dc.titleAnalisis Konsep Pendidikan Islam Humanisme Religius Menurut Abdurrahman Mas’uden_US

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