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dc.contributor.advisordr. Ety Sari Handayani, M. Kes,
dc.contributor.authorMaharani, Noni
dc.description.abstractSoursoup( Annonamuricata) is a plant that rich in benefits. And widely used in the community as one of the traditional medicine. Annonamuricatait self contains a compound known acetogenin toxic if consumed continuously, in addition to the benefits so many Annonamuricata can give side effects to the body one of which is the part of the liver is called sel cells kupffer. In this study wanted to find out if Annoanmuricata can increase the number of kupffer cells in the liver rats.Objectives: This study determine whether there is the effect of the water extract of leaves of soursoup (Annonamuricata) the number of kupffer cells of the liver rat. Is there a difference in the number of kupffer cells of the liver between the control nd treatment groups.Methods: This research is using simpel experimental posttest control group design. Subjects were 10 rats. Subjects were divided into acontrol group 5 tail and 5 tail the treatment group. The number of kupffer cells was observed and processed using IBM SPSS Statistics and data analysis using t-test.Result: From this research showed that mice have been studied for 30 days between control group and the treatment group differences significant number of kupffer cells in the treatment groupin which the number of its kupffer cells more than the number of the control group. This has also been tested on a statistical test using independent t-test p value < 0,05. This shows that there is a difference between the two groups number.Conclusion: Soursoup leaf methanol extract for 30 days with dose 300mg/kgbb/day to rat are the effect of increase in the number of kupffer cells. There are also differences in the number of kupffer cells of the liver between control and treatment groups.Keyword: Annonamuricata, Acetogenin, Kupffer Cellen_US
dc.subjectKupffer Cellen_US
dc.titlePengaruh Ekstrak Methanol Daun Sirsak (Annona Muricata) Terhadap Jumlah Sel Kupffer Hepar Pada Tikusen_US

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