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dc.contributor.authorIkha Nur Widyasari
dc.description.abstractSpring-cucumber fruit (Momordica charantia L.) representing one of drug crop which can be used as well as mucolytic. The aim of this research is to know the activity of mucolytic of extract of spring-cucumber fruit and detection of chemical contents. The research had done with see viscosity change mucus of cow intestine increased with there are to add solution test. This research use viscometer Ostwald. Solution test which used is result infundation dry spring-cucumber fruit and extract ethanol 96% from waste of infundation. Each solution test had invented with the concentration 0,125%, 0,25%, 0,5%, 1%, 2%, dan 4% b/v, as negative control used by solution ofmucus 20% and as positive control used by acetylcystein 0,1%. The mucolytic activity test showed that the water extract and ethanol extract of spring-cucumber fruit by in vitro method decreased viscosity mucus of cow intestine, so that drop the viscosity. One way analysis of variance test and the unpared t-test' indicating result with the difference have ameaning (P <0,05) on the extract ofwater and no showed with the difference have a meaning on the etanol extract. This matter indicate that water extract can reduce the viscosity ofmucus or have the character of mucolytic, whereas ofethanol extract not have the character ofmucolytic. The result offoam test indicate that the water extract and ethanol 96% extract of spring-cucumber fruit possibility own the saponin. Pursuant to profile ofTLC use the stationary phase by silica gel GF254 and mobile phase for the extract of water use by chloroform-methanol-water (2:1:1) v/v dan for the extract of ethanol used by chloroform-methanol-air (1:1,5:1,5) v/v, detection for saponin used by Libermann Burchard reagent, detection for alkaloid used by Dragendorff reagent, indicating that water extract and etanol extract spring-cucumber fruit may contain the saponin and alkaloid compound.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subject(Momordica charantia L.)en_US
dc.subjectin vitroen_US
dc.subjectwater and ethanolik extracten_US
dc.titleUji Aktivitas Mukolitik Ekstrak Air Dan Etanol Buah Pare (Momordica charantia L.) Terhadap Mukosa Usus Sapi Secara In Vitroen_US

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