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dc.contributor.advisorDR. dr. H. Bambang Udji Djoko Rianto, Sp. THT, M.Kes
dc.contributor.authorAdnyana, Putu Eka Putra
dc.description.abstractAllergic Rhinitis Disease (RA) is a global health problem that can occur in all countries, class, and age with peak levels in the productive age. Based on the study on asthma and allergic in childhood (ISAAC study) in Semarang in 2001 to 2003 in the junior students aged 13-14 years and 18.6% obtained in polyclinic -KL ENT dr. Sutomo Surabaya in 2006 found 654 cases (3.45%) of the 25 254 patients were treated. Still difficult diagnosis of allergic rhinitis can lead to delays in appropriate treatment that can affect the quality of life of patients with allergic rhinitis. Objective: This study aimed to determine differences in the quality of life for sufferers of persistent and intermittent allergic rhinitis were treated in hospitals Harjono Ponorogo. Methods: This research method is the analytical observational study, a cross sectional study with a sample taken from the overall population of patients with allergic rhinitis who met the inclusion criteria. Data obtained from the questionnaires were filled directly by the allergic rhinitis patients in hospitals Harjono Ponorogo period December 2011 - February 2012. Results and Discussion: Of the 61 patients allergic rhinitis results obtained are 45 patients suffering from persistent allergic rhinitis (RAP) and 16 patients suffering from intermittent allergic rhinitis (RAI). In both types of allergic rhinitis obtain a better quality of life in intermittent allergic rhinitis. It can be seen from the results of questionnaires relating to the quality of life of patients with RA as related to sleep quality, quality associated with nasal symptoms, quality related with other allergy symptoms, quality issues related to the practical, quality-related activities, and quality with emotion. Conclusions: The quality of life patients related to aspects of the activity and emotional disorders result largely including quality of life is good, although the percentage in allergic rhinitis intermittent little more than persistent allergic rhinitis. Aspects of quality of life of patient’s allergic rhinitis such as sleep quality, nasal symptoms, other symptoms of allergies and practical problems were more common in patients with allergic rhinitis than in patient’s intermittent persistent allergic rhinitis.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectallergic rhinitis.en_US
dc.subjectquality of lifeen_US
dc.titlePerbandingan Kualitas Hidup Penderita Rhinitis Alergi Persisten Dan Intermiten Yang Berobat Di Rsud Harjono Ponorogo Periode Desember 2011 – Februarien_US

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