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dc.contributor.advisorSri Mulyaningsih
dc.contributor.authorMarlina Indriastuti
dc.description.abstractHave been done by research ofconcerning activity ofantifungi ofessential oil Long Pepper ( Piper Retrofactum. Vahl )to Candida albicans. This research early with the insulation ofessential oil use the way ofwater and steam distillation. Oil obtained to be specified by its refractive index by means ofRefraktometer ABBE Test the antijamur done with the diffusion method continued by bioautografi with the move phase the n-heksan :etilasetat (9:1). Solid Diffusion method done by hole with the concentration of essential oil 100%; 75%; 50%. 25% and 12,5%. To know the especial component from essential oil ofLong Pepper used byaGas Chromatography - Mass Spectroscopy by comparing spektra sampel by NIST is existing and library book. Result ofresearch with the diffusion method, essential oil ofLong Pepper start to show the existence of activity to Candida albicans at.concentration 25 %v/v in the form ofzona ofiradical and concentration 50%v/v in the form ofradical zona. Result Bioautografi show the resistance zona at the spot by Rf 0,88 Detecting component of essential essential oil by GC -MS show the existence of compound of beta karyopilen, isokaryopilen, alpha karyopilen, trisildo heptane karyopilenandpatchoulea Keyword : Piper Retrofractum Vahl. Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectroscopy Antifungi.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Islam Indonesiaen_US
dc.subjectPiper retrofractum, Vahl.en_US
dc.subjectKromatografi Gas - Spektroskopi Massaen_US
dc.titleUji Aktivitas Anti Jamur Minyak Atsiri Buah Cabe Jawa (Piper retrofractum, Vahl.) terhadap Candida albicans Secara Invitro Beserta Deteksi Kandungan Kimianya dengan Kromatografi Gas - Spektroskopi Massaen_US

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